Embody the Woman you truly are

A mentorship for deeply sensitive and widely intelligent women leaders birthing a new abundant reality for themselves

I know what it is to walk through the fires of initiation in Life - and if you are here, you are probably living one right now and ready to NOT do this alone.

You are on the edge of a big personal growth that is shifting your reality and the embodiment of the Woman you are.

If you’re just like the women in my community, you are a powerful, sensitive, conscious Women leader - and if you struggle to feel yourself as powerful… let’s talk :)

A Woman who wants to feel free and aligned in her life.

A Woman whose leadership is rooted in heart, intuition, intelligence and what you deeply care about.

A Woman who has a deep sensitivity, sharp and wide intelligence and who’s learnt to lead by herself, carved her own path in life - unconventional, inspiring, independent.

A Woman whose deepest desire is to carry out her mission and vision from the power of her Feminine and Heart.

You know, women who lead their lives with authenticity go through many phases of liberation - your business, your relationships, your sexuality, your health, your life brings you the opportunities for your growth, alignment and abundance.

And these opportunities, feel like giving birth to a new version of yourself.

You might sense there is an urge within you to let go of what controls you, of what no longer feel true, of what restricts your trust in yourself, your connection to your core confidence, your capacity to Love and receive MORE!

Your Woman is ready to get so free, and so abundant, so receptive to new levels of love and power.

Do you feel it?

And guess what, you’re not meant to birth alone - I am here to guide you through the vortex of change and help you connect to your power as you go through this transition to being so in love with the Woman you truly are.

Stay in power and ground into unwavering self-trust as you birth your new aligned and abundant chapter

I am the coach & doula who will guide you to connect to your grounded power, aligned energy and deepest self-love.

Does any of this feel true?

  • You are moving through a personal rebirth, a big edge, a transition in your life that is redefining who you are and how you show up in your life, business or relationships, and you know you are ready to powerfully guided and held in that emerging power.

  • You are ready to step into a version of yourself who isn't afraid of being herself, of being seen, of being loved. You are ready to receive much, much more.

  • You are stepping into a bigger chapter of alignment, and you are aware you are keeping yourself small and restricted. There are fears keeping you from fully stepping in. You are ready to open your capacity to shine as you ground into inner safety and sovereignty.

  • You understand that your deep fulfilment and most abundant reality will not come from the strategy of your Mind. You have been there for too long. You are ready to fully feel your feelings, trust your Heart opening and move from a deeper place within you.

  • You want to emerge into a different embodiment - true Presence in your life, deep confidence, unfolding alignment, unwavering self-trust, profound integrity with your truest desires.

  • You are ready to heal the imprints of unworthiness, scarcity and fear and open to a whole new level of personal confidence and peace.

  • You don’t want more “content”, more learnings, more food for thoughts, you want the deep connection to yourself and a personal doula to hold you through your personal transformation!

“You are ready to recalibrate to the Heart and birth the most abundant and fulfilling reality for yourself - this is true Feminine leadership”

Inside this mentorship, you will receive

Integrative Somatic Coaching + Embodiment Coaching for Expanding your capacity to receive, and Growing your deep confidence, fulfilment and vitality.

Energetic and Emotional healing for Liberating your full potential and Recalibrating your energy towards clarity, joy and vitality

Compassionate and Powerful Inquiry for Unearthing limiting beliefs and Integrating your abundance fears and blocks

Spiritual counselling for Moving your energy from Mind to Heart and Accessing your true desires and core power

What Women say

How to take the leap

6-month transformation

Imagine feeling so held & supported in your Feminine energy, receiving powerful coaching to free any doubt, fear or stuckness in your leadership, being held in your trust, truth and power as you naturally & powerfully open your new abundant embodiment and reality…

Great leaders don’t do anything alone.

This is my client's’ favourite long-term, intimate, personalized transformation and support path.

What do you receive?

  • In depth conversation & assessment

  • Sacred and personalized onboarding process

  • Opening and Closing ceremonies

  • 1:1 weekly coaching sessions & Alignment calls

  • Unlimited guidance and support via Voxer or email

  • Personalized resources for navigating your unique obstacles & supporting your vitality and alignment

  • Access to the Aligned Women Community & Membership

Investment: EUR 7500 for 6 months or 6 payments of 1250 EUR

1-off deep dive session

I open a few slots/month for 1:1 deep dive sessions for Women who need to be reconnect to their inner clarity now, connect back to their confidence and recalibrate their energy to move forward in their life & lea

What do you receive?

  • 1:1 deep coaching session with Mathilde

  • Follow-up & coaching support on Voxer support for 1 week post-session

Investment: EUR 350

You can do it, your can let go, and feel so free in your power

  • This is a natural transformational process

    This is a highly-personalized coaching path. There is no program fixed in advance. It is a deeply personalized path of healing and empowerment tailored to your needs and desires. Each woman has her own process, and I am here to support and elevate you, as you step towards your next chapter.

  • You will be challenged and held

    As your coach and personal doula, I will be with you throughout your process. My role is to hold the fire of Presence, vitality and trust alive so you can see and feel what’s possible for you. My coaching and guidance sees the whole of you in your most empowered expression - I will challenge the facets of disempowerment, victim and scarcity in you, to help you heal and emerge back into a whole new energy and power.

  • You are at the door of a beautiful, abundant chapter

    You are not stuck, you are in transition. I will support you as you move through the different waves, doubts and contractions that lead to your new embodiment and abundant reality. This process might be the most important one - it is the process of birthing your own grounded, safe and radiant feminine power.


  • This is a 6-month coaching journey. The path is designed to blend into your life while offering constant coaching and support. From experience, 6 months gives you the time to powerfully and sustainably integrate the shifts. This coaching journey is not meant to last for years - it is a slow, sustainable and deep accelerator of transformation, for women in transition within themselves and in their leadership.

  • This is a 7000+ € investment. Women engaging in this coaching must be ready and able to allocate ressources to hiring a personal coach at this moment of their lives. This coaching can be sponsored by your employer as it helps you grow your leadership. I will discuss it with you if you are interested. You can pay in multiple instalments. If this investment is not available to you now, you can subscribe to the newsletter to receive free audio coaching gifts, invest in a Human Design reading and join the 2024 Circles or Retreats (more info soon via the newsletter)

  • Coaching as I practise it is a relationship of incredible growth and support. You hire a coach in your life to help you really heal and unstuck engrained patterns, beliefs, energetics and behaviours that are limiting in your life. Growth is a life-long process yet, working with a teacher, a coach or a practitioner is the way to deep, embodied and personalised transformations. Coaching is not an obligation, it is a real desire and need to receive a high-level of unconditional and transformational support.

  • Making a big financial investment can create all sorts of resistances and fears in you - this is reasonable and totally normal, be aware of what is coming up. You can do great things by yourself - I have done a lot by myself. Yet, at a certain point in your journey, investing in receiving powerful and personalized support will exponentially help you create the inner and outer reality you desire. I see a lot of burn-outs amongst highly-sensitive women leaders - I have burnt out too, trying to figure it all out alone, mentally, emotionally, spiritually… Expanding your abundance, opening your heart, birthing a more confident leadership, a new version of you will stir up a lot and bring up all the resistances and parts of you who want to keep you in confusion, disempowerment, scarcity, smallness, control…Being supported by a leaders’ doula & a coach will change everything... I have been there and we can discuss your doubts together during our exploratory call. It’s risk free, and abundant-full!

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